Thursday, March 24, 2011

No to the new Imperialist War! No to any Greek Involvement!Press Release Solidarity to the Libyan People!

The criminal aggression of the French, British and American imperialists against Libya sows death on the civilian population, destroys infrastructure, hits hospitals and creates a new wave of misery and refugees
This aggression is not for the support of the rebelling Libyan people, as is hypocritically and shamelessly declared by the governments of Europe and the USA. Their target is the rebelling Arab peoples, the establishment of regimes subjected to the imperialists, the re-division of the oil contracts, and in general the imposition of western influence in the Arab world.
The imperialists and all those that legalize them and call for action, are cynical hypocrites. They use eclectically the “humanitarian” card, the same time the reactionary monarchies and regimes of the Persian Gulf and the Arabian Peninsula slaughter their own rebelling peoples with western aid. The stance of the European Parliament and the so-called European Left is openly criminal and once more warmongering and subjugated to imperialism.
In this new criminal imperialist warmongering the Greek government participates openly with the granting of airfields, ports, war boats and warplanes. This is a highly dangerous move against both the Greek people and of course the people of the Mediterranean and the region. The Papandreou government, blindly following the imperialist dictates, has already given the go-ahead for the conversion of the Suda base in Crete to headquarters and the Actium and Andravida bases as springboards for the attack on Libya. 
The CPG (m-l) calls the Greek people and the antiwar-antiimperialist movement to rise up! We must demand the complete disengagement of our country from this military aggression and the immediate shut-down of the US-NATO bases of Suda and Actium. As we did during the wars against Iraq and Yugoslavia we must show our clear opposition to the attack on Libya and the Greek involvement on this. We must show our solidarity to the Libyan people. We must demand the immediate exit of our country from the imperialist institutions of the EU and NATO.  
The Libyan people are the only ones that can and must confront the reactionary Qaddafi regime. Democracy, freedom and the progressive social changes do not come through the imperialist gunboats and the “stealthy” American bombers, but through genuine people’s struggles and independent radical revolts.

March 20, 2011

Communist Party of Greece (marxist-leninist)

Wednesday, March 9, 2011



The citizens of Chania, Crete are once more worried and enraged for the terrorist actions of US imperialism against neighbor peoples. This rage can feed a new round of popular mobilizations in order to oust the lair of killers from our land.
At this time is not enough to worry about the concrete danger of an updated base of the US war machine in Suda. And it is not permissible for anyone to accept – for the umpteenth time – the known dirty propaganda of the imperialists. 
The USA and the imperialist countries of Europe cannot hide their contradictions, and they were all contented for decades now with the tyrannical regimes of Ben Ali, Qaddafi, Mubarak, the sheiks of Yemen, the Sultans of Oman, etc. Up to now they had imposed control on the Arab world and its oil through repeated wars, the use of Zionist Israel, even the bombardment of irascible and idiosyncratic Qaddafi.
The continuing uprising of the peoples from Morocco in the Atlantic to the Gulf of Aden and the Hormuz Straits in the Arabian Peninsula not only lay waste to the Western plans for strengthening this control but create new historic conditions that are unpleasant to imperialists but are hopeful for the peoples and their struggle in order to throw away exploitation, tyranny and imperialist yoke!!!
Let it be plain! The use of Suda base as was in the past (Yugoslavia, Afghanistan, Iraq) it will be in the future; that is the terrorization and slaughter of the peoples and not the democratization of Libya. In Libya as well as in Egypt, Tunisia and elsewhere, where the peoples succeed in ousting their tyrants, the imperialists want to post new puppets in order to retain control. That is why they send their warships to the Libyan Sea. That is why they want to use our land as springboard.

We must not let them do it!
We must demand from the government to stop any use of the Suda base by the imperialists.
We must struggle to overthrow the politics of dependence and subordination that subjugates our people and involves our country with the most dangerous plans of the imperialists.


Chania, Crete 2-3-2011

Comunicato Stampa della Commissione contro le Basi militari e la subordinazione

   L’ agitazione e la rabbia dei cittadini di Chania per l’ attività terroristica dell’ imperialismo Americano a disfavore dei residenti alle vicinanze della Base di Souda, può e deve alimentare per l’ enesima volta un nuovo ciclo di manifestazioni popolari a fine di buttare fuori dal nostro paese il punto di partenza degli assassini dei popoli.
   In questo momento non basta solo preoccuparci per gli esistenti pericoli che nascono dalla presenza dell’ evoluta Base militare di Souda, la quale appartiene alla macchina bellica degli USA. Inoltre a nessuno non è consentito di accettare l’ enesima sporca propaganda degli imperialisti. Gli USA e gli Stati imperialisti dell’ U.E. non possono nascondere il fatto che da decenni, nonostante le loro controversie, si trovono a proprio agio con i regimi tirranici di Ben Ali, di Ghedafi e di Moubarak e del Sultano Oman.  Attraverso la Guerra e in collaborazione con lo Stato sionistico di Israele, nonchè attraverso il bombardamento contro la Libya del bisbetico Ghedafi, avevano imposto fino a poco tempo fà il loro controllo del mondo Arabo e del suo petrolio.
   Però la continua lotta dei popoli, situati dalle coste Atlantiche di Marocco fino al golfo di Aden e agli stretti di Ormuz della penisola Araba, non solo dissolve i proggetti dell’ Ovest per il rafforzamento del controllo del mondo Arabo, ma crea una situazione storica sfavorevole all’ imperialismo e allo stesso tempo crea una situazione favorevole agli popoli e alla loro lotta contro lo sfruttamento, la tirannia e la subordinazione imperialistica!!!
   Dobbiamo tenere conto che qualsiasi uso della base di Souda, come è stata usata nel passato (Jugoslavia, Afganistan, Iraq), si effettuerà per terrorizzare e per massacrare i popoli e non per certo a fine di effettuare una pressione per la democratizzazione della Libya. In Libya, in Tunisia, in Eggitto e in altri punti geografici, i popoli attraverso la loro lotta riescono a mandare via i loro tirrani. 
   Agli imperialisti l’ unica cosa che interessa è quella di situare nuovi burattini per non perdere il controllo dell’ area. In questa direzione, oggi mandano le loro enormi navi da guerra all’ golfo Libico. In questa direzione, vogliono usare la nostra terra come punto di partenza.
   Dobbiamo impedire questo tentativo!!! Dobbiamo pretendere dal nostro Governo in modo agonistico e determinato la cessazione di ogni uso della Base di Souda da parte degli imperialisti. Dobbiamo lottare in modo complessivo per ribaltare la subordinazione politica, la quale riguarda il nostro popolo ed implica il nostro paese ai proggetti sporchi degli imperialisti!!!

 Chania, 2-3-2011